ARUN SHOURIE: The three lessons of failure

Bouncing back from failure isn’t easy, but some people do, as an Economic Times on Sunday cover story shows this week.

The former journalist and Union minister, Arun Shourie:

WHEN I FAILED: “I am the only editor to be dismissed not once but twice from The Indian Express.  The first time, Indira Gandhi, put such pressure on [Indian Express owner] Ramnath Goenka that even a tiger like him made a goodwill gesture out of me. But he did call me back and I was delighted to go back. But then he had a series of strokes. Those who were trying to swallow the company thought that S. Gurumurthy and I would be the obstacles. And therefore, they first removed me, and then Gurumurthy.”

WHAT I LEARNT: “My first learning is never look back. Or else you will suffer the fate of Lot‘s wife [in the Book of Genesis, Lot’s wife ignores the advice of the angles not to turn back when fleeing the city of Sodom, and turns into a pillar of salt]. My second learning: put your difficulties to work. There are very few difficulties that cannot be put to work. This is easier if our goal is inner growth. Third: always have three careers going at the same time. And carry each one lightly.”

Also read: The sad and pathetic decline of Arun Shourie

Arun Shourie: ‘Intolerant. Abusive. Dictatorial’

A columnist more powerful than all media pros

How Arun Shourie became the Express editor

Ramnath Goenka: Courage of the 2 o’clock kind

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